There is more to this world we perceive around us. There is an invisible ecosystem of chemicals and frequencies emitted so much as from each one of us, as from nature.
Love is a such a phenomenon. You can’t describe it exactly, as it means different things to different people. We feel it though. You can sense love when you walk into a house or you are in the presence of others. It is either love or its absence. A void or something entirely negative. The vibration from the people who live in that house affects their environment and everyone who comes into its range.
You can tell, straight away when love is present. It is omnipotent. It can be felt in the silence. It causes the creation of those chemicals, that our brain can only compose, that silences the incessant stream of thoughts. At that moment you know. There are no more questions occupying your mind.
Love has many faces. They are all different and unique in their own way. They are all instinctual and wonderful.
Blessed are the people who have had the pleasure to enjoy and give all kinds of love in their lifetime.
The love for your parents, your wife, your kids. We know from psychology that they are 3 levels of love. The way we approach our relationships defines the level of love each enjoys.
There is the first level of love whereby being selfish and only trying to receive love from others without giving any love to yourself or others. The second level is giving love to others, only in proportion to the love you receive. The third level, which we all should aspire to achieve, is providing unconditional love to yourself and others without expecting anything in return.That is the stage where pure love is present and there is doubt or questions.
We do spend a great amount of time during the day thinking, almost 60000 thoughts per day, asking and answering questions in our minds about everything. Unconditional love is one of these phenomenons that have such a strong vibration that can cure everything.
There is one condition in all of the above. You have to be present. Most people are preoccupied with negative thoughts and situations they either can’t control or affect in a way. Negativity is a disease in the literal sense of the word. It puts our body out of ease and causes imbalance.
We have to consciously understand what our mind is focusing on from the moment we wake up and direct it. Otherwise, vibrations like love are blocked out and we seize to feel those emotions we dream of.
Louise Hay’s morning meditation is an excellent way to reset yourself in the morning, before the day gets a hold you. When you feel loved by yourself you allow love to flow freely to and from others. The words we use and speak change our biochemistry.
Go to the mirror and say to yourself, I love you. Our eyes are not only for seeing but also used as projectors. They project the stories we make up in our minds. When you see love in your own eyes, you will know.
I am at peace now and all is well.