Life is a chance. Love is infinity. Grace is reality.
The way we look at life is the key to happiness.
Life is a test. An everyday non-stop, relentless test of faith, willpower, endurance and mental strain. This is inevitable and it is part of the package. We all get the same. Like a never ending groundhog day. We wake up either prepared, or not having learnt our lessons, we wake up unprepared to face the same mistakes and walk into the same pitfalls.
There must be a point in the a point in the day for reflection and evaluation. What did I learn today? What can I use as a guide tomorrow? This is something most of us don’t do and we’re bound to repeat the same mistakes.
When it happens a few days in a row; that is we fail to learn from our mistakes, we end up rolling out of bed and into days of anger, bitterness and disappointment. There is no escaping this moment of despair or so we think and feel. There is another version of ourselves in a parallel universe that is happy, fulfilled and jumps out of bed each morning to seize the day. What are they doing differently?
Perhaps they say NO more often, as much as to other people, as they do to themselves. Self-discipline is a catalytic component in making strides towards your imagined life. It is the glue that creates tangible, measurable progress that propels you even closer to what is possible. Being able to say no to yourself, when procrastination creeps in, and it does when our self-discipline is watered down by what we see as obstacles, is the golden point we must recognise.
Procrastination is a survival mechanism.
It kicks in when our brain turns on the fight or flight response and deems it appropriate to postpone what we might perceive life threatening or a threat to our day. The facades of procrastination are countless, as it adjusts itself to our current situation and circumstances. Watching TV or binge watching Netflix when you should be writing that book or buying things you don’t need, to occupy your time and your mind.
That is a consequence of dreading your days. Yet life is not eternal. We are here for a short time in the grand scheme of things and piss it down the drain. Love is infinity. Love is eternal. Now that is a notion worth adopting into our lives and making it full and long. Love is as fluid and clear as the water and has the ability to cleanse itself like the water does.
We never learn such things in school. It isn’t in the curriculum. It doesn’t get you a job. What about getting a life?
The main concern is survival and not living. That’s the schooling system’s product. That’s not reality, it is a delusion.
Grace is another misplaced word in our education. Grace is reality. Observing nature, one will find that from the tiniest flower to the biggest tree, there is grace in their demeanour and how they move with the wind. That reminds me of a verse from a poem about perseverance and change. Good Timber.
Good timber does not grow with ease: The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
Adopt grace in your every day and every activity. It will make things more interesting. When I come to think of it again, we love to be in the company of other people who have grace and love for life.