How much of your life has been a reaction to circumstances to problems and unforeseen situations? Have you taken the time to have a birds eye view of your life so far? Like a river visible from a plane, there is a visible track of events and our reactions to them. Whether these could have been handled better or differently, we might come with some other ways in retrospect.
The same goes for this day, this moment. We have a choice. Most of the time, as there are situations we have gotten ourselves into that enslave us for the days ahead of us. We can’t shake these off. Not without careful planning.
Acknowledging that we are in a position to make a change and we only can do this, is the first step to change. Splitting the day into phases, to carry out what we have committed ourselves into and then working trough a process of eliminating, delegating and removing elements from our lives that don’t serve us anymore is a worthwhile plan.
Nothing comes out of stagnation. We want to get to a point of action instead or reaction. Where we can choose our actions and be calm and serene. There is no better place to be. A place of choice and action. We grow up this way. Ready to take action and leap into the unknown and explore.
Somewhere along the way, we assume baggages from our environment, that we think we need to adopt in order to belong. Just by doing so, we inherit beliefs that we don’t want, don’t serve us, but we are made to believe that we must serve them. These make for a reactive person that can never seem to be able to catch up with life.
It is a race that we don’t know when it is going to end and how. There is no finish line. Action and motion is how mother nature intended us to be. We can’t have progress without action. Nothing validates a belief faster than action. That is positive beliefs. I’m not going anywhere near negative, destructive thoughts and beliefs. These are a cancer.
The fact of the matter is that action in our consumerism society is only being promoted towards buying things you don’t need, with money you don’t have, to impress people you don’t like. How sad is that?
Why do we behave like pre-historic creatures? In 2016? I can’t believe that you haven’t heard that we are being manipulated from the media and TV. It is called television programming for a reason. All that is to say that action is not enough to bring change. It has to be conscious action that leads to the results we want. Mastering action to the point that allows and leads to a clearer mind, not clouded by noise and smoke, is the epitome of a successful and joyous life.
We are what we think and we are the average of our closest five people. Whether these people have chosen to lead a life of choice and action, will define our thinking and actions. I’ve heard once the 33% rule. Associate yourself with 33% of people that live below your means, 33% of people who are at the same level as you and 33% with people that are doing much better that you. This will reset your barometer and drive the quality of your actions.
It will take time to transition from reaction to action, but once that milestone arrives, it is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Things will never be the same.
We are what we repeatedly do. Aristotle.
You could also make a list of actions that you would like to incorporate into your day. Just a simple act of kindness can do so much for you, as for others. Acts of love for your family and your friends. Acts of helpfulness towards complete strangers or people who are in need. Nothing miraculous will happen immediately, unless you start incorporating small acts into your day.
Finding time during your days of reaction, to act as you would everyday.
I have been through this and I know how it can affect the mind, the body and the soul. Forgetting that this body of ours is a tiny spectacle contained within the vastness of our soul. It is a pity to make our soul feel trapped just so that we can be well adjusted in profoundly sick environments.
Don’t do that.
Unleash your mind, unleash your superpowers. You are the depiction of greatness and you need to let this out for the world to see.
You were born a miracle, act like one.
Thank you.